How long does it take for lasered gums to heal?

Recovering from laser gum treatment The time it will take for the gums to heal depends on the severity of the gum disease. It can take 2 to 4 weeks, while deeper pockets can take months to fully heal.

Recovering from laser gum treatment The time it will take for the gums to heal depends on the severity of the gum disease. It can take 2 to 4 weeks, while deeper pockets can take months to fully heal. Because your mouth will be tender and swollen, a soft food diet is recommended for the first few days. The amount of time it takes to heal after laser gum surgery depends on the severity of the disease.

It usually takes 2 to 4 weeks for healing in the surface area to heal completely. Many patients eat soft foods up to two weeks after therapy so that the treated gums have enough time to heal. Slight bleeding, slight swelling, and some pain can be expected in the days following laser gum therapy. This is normal and is a sign that the body is increasing blood flow to the treated area.

McCormick can also prescribe medications to help ease any post-operative pain. The recovery time for laser gum remodeling varies from person to person. Many people feel fully recovered within a few days, while others may need two weeks. As you recover, it's important to be careful when eating.

Avoid crunchy or hard foods that can irritate healing gums and increase recovery time. Popcorn or foods with small seeds can get stuck between your teeth and gums during recovery and should also be avoided. Brushing and flossing should not be omitted during recovery, but special care must be taken. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush and press gently.

Fiandaca received intensive training in the LANAP and LAPIP protocols by the Institute of Advanced Laser Dentistry. McCormick has extensive experience in laser dentistry for the past 20 years and can answer all your questions and concerns. Lasers in dentistry have been used for some time to make dental treatments more efficient, cost-effective and comfortable. After laser gum therapy, the body will immediately begin the healing process, and using a laser instead of traditional surgical instruments also helps stimulate growth within bones and gums.

Amy Wilson
Amy Wilson

Professional tv expert. Incurable twitter evangelist. Hipster-friendly music fanatic. Hardcore bacon evangelist. General tea fan.

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